WICPA calls for members to stand together

June 10, 2020

Now is the time to stand together.

The WICPA takes its leadership seriously in elevating the importance of diversity and inclusion in advancing not just our profession, but also the state of business in Wisconsin and beyond our state’s borders. The values each of us hold individually and those we have collectively, combined with our proactive and shared commitment to assuring the CPA profession does all that is possible to be welcoming and inclusive, guide our work together.

The WICPA and its leadership denounce racism, intolerance, injustice and inequality. Wisconsin’s CPAs embrace the responsibility we have as most trusted business advisors to not sit on the sidelines. We must be deliberate in our drive toward change. We recognize that social injustice and racism harm people and our ability to make economic opportunity accessible for all and will not be tolerated.  

In these trying and tragic times, I implore everyone to be the voice of change in your communities. We must identify and combat unconscious bias, have the courage to engage in difficult conversations and keep lines of communications open. Talking – but more importantly, listening – is a critical step in finding a solution.

WICPA leaders are looking inward and outward at what we can do to help create a more equitable and inclusive association as well as in our workplaces and communities.
We must do more, and we must do better. We will build on our past efforts, and we will put what we learn into action. That is our obligation to our profession, to our members, to the clients and companies we serve, and to the communities where we live and work.

Tammy J. Hofstede,
President & CEO

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