New CPA Banquet

New CPA Banquet

New CPA Banquet


Celebrating the achievement of becoming a CPA

One of the hallmark events of the year for Wisconsin accounting professionals, the New CPA Banquet is held to honor Wisconsin's newly licensed CPAs and celebrate their hard work, dedication and accomplishment of achieving the most prominent designation of the accounting profession.

Join us for a night of celebration to:

  • Recognize those who became a CPA in 2023 as they receive their official printed state of Wisconsin CPA certificate
  • Hear from keynote speaker, Dominic Ortiz, CPA, CGMA, CEO, Potawatomi Hotel & Casino
  • Network with newly licensed CPAs and leaders in the accounting profession
  • Enjoy dinner, drinks and casino-themed entertainment


5:30 p.m. Networking Reception

6:30 p.m. Dinner

7:30 p.m. Program

8:30 p.m. Networking & Entertainment

Overnight Accommodations

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hilton Garden Inn in Brookfield (next to the Brookfield Conference Center) for the night of Friday, June 7, with a room rate of $129 (plus tax). To reserve a room in the block, please book online using or by calling 262-330-0800 and mentioning you're attending the WICPA event by May 15.

0.0 CPE Credits


Registration is open through 06/07.

Member Price


Nonmember Price


Friday, June 7

5:30pm to 10:30pm (Check-In 5:30pm)

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Brookfield Conference Center

325 S Moorland Rd
Brookfield, WI 53005

Map and Directions


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