Enact Retaliation Abatement & Monitoring Measures

Enact Retaliation Abatement & Monitoring Measures

Enact Retaliation Abatement & Monitoring Measures


Once an employee decides to report an issue, the risk for retaliation must be minimized. Metrics matter. As such, capturing and reviewing employee data for indicators of possible retaliation are key to protecting those who report. The more subtle forms of retaliation, though, require a focused communication plan to address. This course offers recommendations for implementing specific retaliation monitoring protocols.

Note: This course qualifies to count toward the WICPA membership Ethics CPE requirement.

1.0 CPE Credits


Registration is open through 06/05.

Member Price


Nonmember Price


Wednesday, June 5

11:00am to 12:02pm (Check-In 11:00am)

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