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52% of workers are behind on retirement savings
More than half of American workers say they’re behind where they should be for retirement savings, according to a new study.
Tax Security Awareness Week begins Dec. 2.
The fourth annual Tax Security Awareness Week will be held Monday, Dec. 2, through Friday, Dec. 6, to promote online security.
Best practices in the event of a cyberattack
Most people are unsure of what to do in the case of a cyberattack. By following best practices, however, managers will have a plan in place should the event occur.
The risk of using airport charging stations
Public charging stations in airports and train stations have the potential to compromise your personal data, according to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.
IRS requests feedback on Taxpayer First Act
Stakeholders interested in providing feedback on the Taxpayer First Act are encouraged to share their thoughts with the IRS.
Creative, diverse staffing on the rise in accounting
The accounting profession is undergoing some motivating changes with a rise in creative and diverse staffing, according to a trend reported in the Rosenberg MAP survey.
How to change your perspective on stress
Stress happens to everyone. But changing your perspective of stress from a threat to a challenge can help you handle it more effectively.
Wisconsin voters more optimistic about economy
Wisconsin voters’ negative outlook on the economy may be shifting toward optimism, according to the latest poll by the Marquette University Law School.
Tax Court rules on divorced taxpayer’s IRA withdrawal
A divorced taxpayer was recently charged for withholding paid taxes on IRA withdrawals as a result of his divorce settlement, amplifying the need to counsel clients facing divorce.
Help clients maximize their tax benefits from charitable giving
Although donations are generally not motivated by tax savings, taxpayers can still maximize their tax benefits with some strategic planning.