Featured News

  • TCJA and changes to simple trust taxation

    October 1, 2019

    An overlooked impact of the 2017 tax reform act has resulted in many simple trusts having a tax liability on ordinary income, which was rarely the case prior to the act.

  • IRS clarifies bonus depreciation treatment

    September 30, 2019

    The IRS finalized regulations proposed in August 2018 and issued new proposed regulations governing the 100% bonus depreciation deduction under Sec. 168(k).

  • Safe harbor gives rental R.E. businesses the QBI deduction

    September 28, 2019

    A new revenue procedure from IRS offers a safe harbor for taxpayers with a rental real estate enterprise so they can claim the qualified business income deduction under Sec. 199-A.

  • Proposed relief for tax-exempt organizations

    September 27, 2019

    The IRS has proposed regulations to clarify the reporting requirements that are generally applicable to certain tax-exempt organizations.

  • Wisconsin DOR publishes interactive data visualizations

    September 26, 2019

    The Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) has published on its website a list of informational and statistical reports relating to the Wisconsin economy and the state and local tax system.

  • September 2019 Wisconsin Economic Outlook

    September 25, 2019

    The U.S. and Wisconsin economies continue to grow despite some uncertainties clouding the forecast, according to the Department of Revenue’s September 2019 Wisconsin Economic Outlook.

  • House passes PCAOB whistleblower protection bill

    September 24, 2019

    The U.S. House of Representatives voted to approve legislation that would provide whistleblower protection to accountants, auditors and others who know of accounting fraud.

  • Know and avoid M&A deal killers

    September 23, 2019

    A variety of circumstances can kill a merger or acquisition, and both basic and advanced mistakes are applicable to the CPA in public accounting or in industry.

  • How to properly date an Excel model

    September 22, 2019

    Utilizing a formula-based approach to an Excel table can allow modellers to build a full financial time series from just three lines of data instead of multiple rows that may not be necessary.

  • Adopting integrated reporting

    September 21, 2019

    Adopting environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting can show a company’s commitment to supporting diversity, social and environmental concerns, and more accountable corporate governance.