Featured News
WICPA Member Kudos
Highlighted WICPA members and organizations with WICPA members who deserve kudos for their recent accomplishments.
How to implement the new lease accounting standard
The countdown to the effective date for the FASB’s ASC 842 has begun. Changes in lease accounting will impact the operations of almost every organization, regardless of size, industry or geography.
Child tax credit now higher, more widely available
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) brings good news regarding the child tax credit.
FP&A meets AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) may bring fundamental changes to management accountants in financial planning and analysis (FP&A).
US Companies keen on hiring, but they see fewer candidates
LinkedIn survey reveals top five ways to create a culture of diversity
LinkedIn surveyed 8,000 hiring experts and found the top five ways to create a culture of diversity. You might be surprised to find out the results.
Four reasons why introverts make great leaders
Many believe extroverts are the most successful leaders because they’re confident, engaged and great decision makers. The best leaders aren’t always the loudest and most noticeable.
Not-for-profit CFO role continues to evolve
Today’s not-for-profit (NFP) CFO is no longer defined simply by their fiscal or financial expertise, but also by their organizational understanding and managerial abilities.
Wisconsin businesses must update NAICS codes
Businesses that use the Wisconsin Department of Revenue’s "My Tax Account" feature will need to take action soon to update their NAICS codes before they access their accounts.
IRS to issue regulations on payments in lieu of state and local taxes
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act limited the state and local tax deduction for individual taxpayers to a $10,000 maximum.