Featured News
A call for federal loans backed by accounts receivable
The AICPA has recommended the creation of a federally backed lending facility that would provide loans to small businesses that pledge their future receivables.
Cloud-based tech helps firms respond to COVID-19
Accounting firms that had cloud-based technology in place prior to the COVID-19 pandemic fared far better than firms that did not, according to a new survey.
Mission-critical IRS employees return to work
The IRS has recalled almost 10,000 employees back to work to continue mission-critical operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Calculating PPP loans
The U.S. Small Business Administration has issued guidance on how to calculate Paycheck Protection Program loan amounts by business type and other issues.
Wisconsin receives more than $3B in relief payments
The state of Wisconsin has received more than $3 billion in Economic Impact Payments since the start of the coronavirus relief program.
New tax breaks for charitable giving
Donors who want to help others by making charitable donations during the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for tax incentives under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.
Beware COVID-19 scammers
The first wave of the U.S. government’s relief payments is attracting scammers, but consumers can protect their money by recognizing the warning signs.
MAP Survey postponed to 2021
Due to the abundance of stress placed on tax practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic, the AICPA has postponed the National MAP Survey until 2021.
IRS proposes silo rules for exempt organizations
New proposed regulations from the IRS would govern silo rules for exempt organizations.
GASB guidance for P3 and APA accounting
A new GASB standard aims to improve governments’ accounting for public-private and public-public partnership arrangements and availability payment arrangements.