Featured News
Emotions leave taxpayers vulnerable
New cyber risks develop as hackers play on taxpayer emotions.
Penalty waiver expanded again
IRS expands penalty waiver for those whose tax withholding and estimated tax payments fell short in 2018 and lowered the key threshold to 80 percent.
2019 Dirty Dozen scams
The IRS released the 2019 “Dirty Dozen,” an annual list of the top 12 tax scams.
Workplace transparency is crucial
Transparency in the workplace builds trust that is essential for profitability, engagement and talent retention.
Talking to clients about tax extensions
Ease the tax extension discussion and help your clients understand the process.
Periodically examine clients’ business structures
Circumstances change, and advising clients on what type of business entity is suitable for their current situation is important for client retention and firm reputation.
Examine your record retention policy
A subpoena case study proves the importance of clear, complete record retention policies.
Firms are hiring more non-CPAs
Public accounting firms are discovering that non-CPAs with specialized skills can effectively fill sophisticated niche service positions.
New paycheck checkup video
A new IRS video can help clients do a paycheck checkup to avoid a tax-time surprise next year.
Stress is worse than the flu
What’s worse—an office flu outbreak or a stress outbreak? Find out why stress can be more dangerous for your firm.